Promise of Comfort

Promise of Comfort

Matthew 5:4 – “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”

In the verses that make up this list of individuals who are blessed, I noticed that there is no blessing pronounced upon those who perceive nothing to mourn for.

We mourn over things that we’ve lost – most often people. We also mourn the loss of things and the loss of abilities due to age, disease, and accidents. I must admit that I’m not always in a mindset of mourning, but when I take the time to think about it, It doesn’t take long to compile a list of things I can mourn for.

This verse is a reminder of what we’ve truly lost because of sin. Take a look around at the pain of those who have lost people, things, and abilities that were dear to them. Let’s not make light of their pain because we are not far from those pains ourselves. The depth of our mourning is in direct proportion to how final we feel our losses are.

This verse is the very real promise that God is near to those who mourn. Mourners will be blessed by the comforting touch of Jesus Christ who brings the blessed hope. The hope of resurrection, the hope of restoration, and the hope of His soon return. May you be blessed by the comfort of Jesus Christ today.

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