Judge us Properly

Judge us Properly

1 Samuel 14:41 – Then Saul told the LORD God of Israel, “Judge us properly.” Jonathan and Saul were selected, but the army was cleared. 42 – Saul said, “Cast lots between me and my son Jonathan,” and Jonathan was selected.

Verse 43 – Saul told Jonathan, “Tell me what you’ve done.” So Jonathan spoke to him: “I did taste a little honey from the end of the staff that was in my hand. Here I am; I’m ready to die!” 44 – Saul said, “May God do this to me and even more, if you don’t surely die, Jonathan!” 45 – Then the army told Saul, “Shall Jonathan die, who brought about this great deliverance in Israel? As the LORD lives, not one hair of his head will fall to the ground, because today he did this with God’s help.”

Jonathan was properly recognized as the person who, with God’s help, initiated the victory over the Philistines. The stark contrast between father and son was revealed that day. King Saul was seen as rash and unwise, troubling his people with a foolish oath to not eat anything until the enemy was destroyed. Jonathan was seen as brave and courageous, demonstrating a pure faith in God to deliver under any circumstances. He had not heard his father make the oath and was judged as guilty of death according to his father.

While still under the influence of the Spirit, Jonathan admitted eating some honey before learning of his father’s foolish oath that had, in Jonathan’s words, “troubled the land.” – and so before the people Jonathan stood before his father saying the words “Here I am; I’m ready to die.”

King Saul’s attempt at appearing pious before the Lord and the people backfired as the people saw clearly who was really guilty. That day the army stood between father and son in order to save the son from his father’s wickedness. It was seen that King Saul’s oath was not of God and he was denied from fulfilling it. In fact, earlier in this experience, some of the men were charged with sinning against God by eating meat with the blood in it because they were starving as a result of the oath. When the lots were drawn – the army was cleared. Even though the final lot fell upon Jonathan as being guilty of breaking his father’s oath, it was King Saul who was guilty of breaking his covenant with God.

Through the people, God judged properly; Jonathan was innocent and his father was guilty. Father and son stood together; one was guilty of death and one was ready for death. The Father was guilty and the son was ready. The son was saved while the Father plunged deeper into sin.

In the end, God will judge properly. Let us choose Jesus Christ today and stand with Him as He stood with Jonathan. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 says – May the God of peace himself make you holy in every way and may your whole being – spirit, soul, and body – remain blameless when our Lord Jesus, the Messiah, appears. 24 – The one who calls you is faithful, and he will continue to be faithful.

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