Saul Among the Prophets

Saul Among the Prophets

1 Samuel 10:9 – Now it happened as Saul turned his back to leave Samuel, that God gave him another heart, and all these signs occurred on that day. 10 – When they arrived there at Gibeah, a band of prophets was right there to meet them. The Spirit of God came upon Saul, and he prophesied along with them.

Verse 11 – When all those who had known Saul previously saw that he was there among the prophets prophesying, the people told one another, “What has happened to Kish’s son? Is Saul also among the prophets?” 12 – A man from there answered: “Now who is their father?” Therefore it became a proverb, “Is Saul also among the prophets?”

This was an incredible beginning for Israel’s first king. Saul had every conceivable advantage bestowed upon him. He was very tall and handsome; he was humble; he was given a new heart by God; he was filled with the Spirit; and he prophesied among the prophets in front of the people. This reminds me of how the human race began with God creating Adam and Eve. They were perfect in physical and mental form. Like Saul, they had every advantage bestowed upon them.

God had chosen and anointed Saul to be Israel’s king according to the will of the people. God did not set Saul up to fail. God set Saul up to succeed. Adam and Eve were created in God’s image to have dominion over the earth. God did not set them up to fail. God also set them up to succeed.

Saul, Adam and Eve, had no obstacles standing in their way of accomplishing God’s purpose for their lives. Each of them had the gift of free will. Only one question remained to be answered. Would they be obedient to God? We already know the tragic answer was ‘No.’

What does this mean for us today? Please consider these verses beginning with Romans 5:15 – But God’s free gift is not like Adam’s offense. For if many people died as the result of one man’s offense, how much more have God’s grace and the free gift given through the kindness of one man, Jesus the Messiah, been showered on many people! 19 – For just as through one man’s disobedience many people were made sinners, so also through one man’s obedience many people will be made righteous.

Through Jesus Christ, we have been given every advantage to be made righteous and receive the free gift of eternal life. Such is God’s grace and love for us! All that is left is for us to choose whether we will love Him in return.

Jesus said these words in John 14:15 – “if you love me, keep my commandments. 16 – I will ask the Father to give you another Helper, to be with you always.

With all the love and attention bestowed upon us by God, who has made every effort for us to succeed – how could we ever choose to say ‘No’ to Jesus?

If the question is ever asked: Is Harold among the redeemed? I want the answer to be ‘yes’ – May the answer be ‘yes’ for you too!

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