God Watches the Heart

God Watches the Heart

1 Samuel 1:12 – As she continued praying to the LORD, Eli was watching her mouth. 13 – Now Hannah was speaking from her heart. Although her lips were moving, her voice was inaudible. Eli therefore thought she was drunk. 14 – So he said to her, “How often do you intend to get drunk? Put away your wine!”

verse 15 – But Hannah replied, “That’s not the way it is, my lord! I am under a great deal of stress. I have drunk neither wine nor beer. Rather, I have poured out my soul to the LORD. 16 – Don’t consider your servant a wicked woman, for until now I have spoken from my deep pain and anguish.” 17 – Eli replied, “Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant the request that you have asked of him.”

The Bible says the LORD had not enabled Hannah to have children.- 1 Samuel 1:5. This resulted in ridicule from a competitive wife and failed attempts at consolation from a husband who didn’t understand her pain. In her distress she finally turned to God.

God could have just left Hannah alone to have children like her rival Peninnah, but He had plans for the child He was preparing her to have and in order for His plan to work – He first needed Hannah to pour out her soul to Him. As she was in the very act of doing this, Eli, the priest, mistook her worship for drunkenness and lashed out with a misplaced rebuke. Eli was watching her mouth, while God was watching her heart. Undeterred, Hannah took the time to explain her pain and her prayer and Eli, finally understanding, sent her away in peace.

Let us be resolute in pouring our hearts to God and not forsake Him during times of difficulty. God will permit us to go through trials, like Hannah, so that we will come to Him with our heart’s desires and learn His plan for our lives. The devil will try to turn us away from God through any means possible even to turning members of our own households and churches against us by causing misunderstandings. Let us be patient, as Hannah was to Eli, in explaining the reason for our devotion to God and let God bring the peace.

Psalm 62 starting with verse 5 says: Patiently wait for God alone, my soul! For he is the one who gives me confidence. 6 – He alone is my protector and deliverer. He is my refuge: I will not be upended.

Verse 7 – God delivers me and exalts me; God is my strong protector and my shelter. 8 – Trust in him at all times, you people! Pour out your hearts before him! God is our shelter! (Selah)

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