Christmas Series – Discovery

Christmas Series – Discovery

Matthew 1:18 – Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah happened in this way. When his mother Mary was engaged to Joseph, before they lived together she was discovered to be pregnant by the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit was one with Father and Son and present when the plan was conceived to “make mankind in our image, to be like us.” – Genesis 1:26. When a person was ‘filled with the Spirit’ they would experience a oneness with God and would discover they could accomplish extraordinary things for God’s glory.

Samson discovered strength; Solomon discovered wisdom; Elizabeth discovered the truth about Mary; the disciples discovered they could share the gospel in every language; Peter discovered the right words to speak; Stephen discovered heaven itself and saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God just before his death. The Scriptures are full of many more accounts not listed here.

Mary discovered Jesus Christ in a whole new way, being pregnant with the Savior of mankind. This Christmas season as we give and receive gifts – let us not forget to ask God for the gift of the Holy Spirit. The same Holy Spirit that filled Mary desires to fill us all so we can discover extraordinary faith in God with which to face life’s trials and provide witness to others that God is with us, for now and for eternity.

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