Cling to Jesus

Cling to Jesus

Deuteronomy 10:20 – You are to fear the LORD your God and serve him. Cling to him and swear by his name.

We have a beautiful, affectionate cat named Cece. We also have a couple of dogs that make her life difficult. One is a German Shepherd and the other is a Husky. The Shepherd likes to herd her around (against her will) and the Husky likes to chase her like prey.

A few days ago I was leading the Husky out of her crate to take her outside to our backyard. I was leading her by the collar and decided to cross through the kitchen. When we entered the kitchen we came face to face with Cece who was being herded by the Shepherd. Cece’s eyes went wide with panic. The Shepherd was behind her and the Husky was in front of her getting real excited. She was cornered and chose her only way out….me. Cece jumped onto my right leg and clung to me with all her claws while I shooed away the Shepherd and kept a firm grip on the Husky.

The dogs lost their prey and Cece came to me later giving me tons of affection. Today’s verse gives us the imagery of holding on to Jesus for dear life – clinging to Him. I felt every claw pierce my leg as a panic-stricken cat saw me as her only way out. Look at everything happening around us. It sure seems as though the devil has us cornered too. Let us always cling to Jesus for He truly, is our only way out, the only truth, and life everlasting.

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