You are to Work and Rest

You are to Work and Rest

Exodus 34:21 – “For six days you are to work, but on the seventh day you are to rest; even during plowing time and harvest you are to rest.”

Sometimes we tend to forget about God when we get busy. With farmers, plowing time and harvest are among the busiest times of the year. The urgency to complete this work is intense especially when dealing with unpredictable forces like the weather.

It is at times when we’re most busy that the Sabbath makes the most sense. Following the command from God to rest gives us a reason to rest. He allows us to break up the stress of life with a weekly oasis of peace. We can be more productive with resting every seventh day than if we were to work all seven days.

Remember, even the wind and waves obey Jesus. Every unpredictable parameter of life can be manipulated by Jesus for our benefit. Let us trust Jesus and follow the example He set at creation by working six days and resting on the seventh and witness as He labors and rests with us until our work is done.

Happy Sabbath!

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