Joseph and Judah Leave Home

Joseph and Judah leave home

Genesis 37:36 – Meanwhile, down in Egypt, the Midianites sold Joseph to Potiphar, one of Pharaoh’s court officials, who was also Commander-in-chief of the imperial guards.

Genesis 38:1 – Right about then, Judah left his brothers and went to live with an Adullamite man named Hirah.

It was around the same time that both Joseph and Judah left home. It was Judah’s idea to sell Joseph and when he was gone, Judah left home too.

While Joseph was adjusting to his new life as a slave in Potiphar’s house in Egypt, Judah was experiencing some trouble of his own.

Judah married a Canaanite woman named Shua and became father to three sons: Er, Onan, and Shelah. Judah found a wife for his oldest son Er but before they had children God put Er to death because he was wicked.

Judah instructed Onan to marry Tamar so they could have children that would be regarded as Er’s offspring. He refused to do this for his brother’s family and God put Onan to death for his wickedness. Onan made it look like he was fulfilling his obligation when he really wasn’t.

Judah feared that Shelah might be taken from him in the same manner and sent Tamar away to live with her father.

Judah’s wife died. While still grieving he traveled to Timnah to visit those who were shearing his sheep there. Tamar was informed of Judah’s movements and disguised herself as a prostitute for the sole purpose of seducing Judah so she could have children.

Judah fell for her deception and purchased sexual relations with her. He promised to send her a young goat from the flock but because he didn’t have one ready to give he gave her a pledge as a security. The pledge was his signet ring, cord, and the staff in his hand. He gave them to her and the slept together.

Later when Tamar was found to be pregnant she was about to sentenced to death for prostitution when she revealed with proof that Judah was the father of her children. She brought out the ring, the cord, and the staff and Judah realized he was the one and testified in Genesis 38:26 – “She is more upright than I, because I never did give her my son Shelah.”

She gave birth to twins: Perez and Zerah.

When looking at the genealogy of Jesus we find in Matthew 1:3 – Judah fathered Perez and Zerah by Tamar. Perez fahered Hezron, Hezron fathered Aram – and so on until Jesus the Messiah was born.

Jesus, the Messiah, was found to be descended from Judah through Perez.

It’s amazing how God works even through our most terrible mistakes.

Let us not practice the evil of looking like Christians when we’re really not – like Onan, looking like he was fulfilling a promise when he really wasn’t.

We may, like Judah, make some terrible mistakes but the Bible promises in Proverbs 28:13 – Whoever hides his transgressions will not succeed, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will find mercy.

Let’s find the mercy and love that we need from Jesus today.

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