Plans Revealed

Plans Revealed

Genesis 18:16 – After this, the men set out from there and looked out over Sodom. Abraham went with them to send them off. 17 – “Should I hide from Abraham what I’m about to do,” the LORD asked,

verse 18 – “since Abraham’s descendants will become a great and powerful nation, and all the nations of the earth will be blessed through him? 19 – Indeed, I’ve made myself known to him in order that he may encourage his sons and his household that is born after him to keep the way of the LORD, and to do what is right and just, so that the LORD may bring about for Abraham what he has promised.”

It is for us now to carry on what God started so long ago with Abraham. Let us encourage our sons and daughters that are born after us to keep the way of the LORD, and to do what is right and just, so that the LORD may bring about what he has promised.

And so the LORD spoke with Abraham:

verse 20 – The LORD also said, “How great is the disapproval of Sodom and Gomorrah! Their sin is so very serious! 21 – I’m going down to see whether they’ve acted according to the protests that have reached me. If not, I wish to know.”

verse 22 – Then two of the men turned away from there and walked toward Sodom, while Abraham remained standing in the presence of the LORD.

After a statement like that from God – what would be running through your mind?

I’m just trying to take in the whole scene before me. God and 2 of his top angels have just eaten a meal at Abraham’s place and God lingered to speak with Abraham while the 2 angels walked towards Sodom.

Just God alone possesses infinite power to eradicate everything. But with 2 angels, the collective destructive power between them all would be immeasurable. And their attention was on Sodom and Gomorrah – why? There have been protests. Protests against the cities’ wickedness. Like the death of Abel at the hands of Cain. Every drop of innocent blood spilled is a cry of protest sent up to God.

Genesis 4:10 – …”Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground….”

Revelation 6:10 – They cried out in a loud voice, “Holy and true Sovereign, how long will it be before you judge and take revenge on those living on the earth who shed our blood?”

Even now in our day protests are going up to God moment by moment as this earth plunges deeper into sin.

Praise God! As He revealed His plan to Abraham so He has revealed His plans for us through His Word.

Amos 3:7 says “Truly the Lord GOD will do nothing he has mentioned without revealing his purposes to his servants the prophets.

We have been blessed today with the entirety of God’s plan revealed to us in His Word! God does not remain distant but walks among us to see how things really are. He walked the streets of Sodom. He walked the streets of Jerusalem all the way to the cross. He walks the streets of our world today through His Spirit.

Let us continue sharing with our families the promises of God – especially the promise of His return – because now that everything has been revealed – it is only left for God to act and when He begins to act – there will be no negotiation to stay His hand from the destruction that is coming.

Luke 21:27 – And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 – And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

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