Psalms 111 – Praise God!

Psalms 111 – Praise God

verse 1 – Hallelujah! I will give thanks to the LORD with all of my heart in the assembled congregation of the upright.

God truly does amazing things. Let’s reflect on this Psalm today and know that the greatest acts of God have always been within our reach.

Verse 2 – Great are the acts of the LORD; they are within reach of all who desire them. 3 – Splendid and glorious are his awesome deeds, and his righteousness endures forever.

So, when we lay hold of His righteousness and place it upon our lives like a garment. We will find it to be durable and able to withstand any test, for it endures forever. It will never expire or decay and praise God, it is within our reach!

Verse 4 – He is remembered for his awesome deeds; the LORD is gracious and compassionate.

For me personally – the very fact that He’s forgiven me way more than seventy times seven – Wow!!! What grace!! What compassion!!

verse 5 – He prepares food for those who fear him; he is ever mindful of his covenant.

Especially when we repeatedly break it or need to be reminded that one still exists or are tempted to think that God has forsaken us in our time of trial.

Verse 6 – He revealed his mighty deeds to his people by giving them a country of their own.

As our own country descends into madness and chaos – Praise God! He intends to give us a new country, a new city, a new home, when Jesus returns.

Verse 7 – Whatever he does is reliable and just, and all his precepts are trustworthy, 8 – sustained through all eternity, and fashioned in both truth and righteousness.

Remember – “For I am sure of this very thing, that the one who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6 – You are one of the things He is working on and whatever He does is reliable and just and sustained through all eternity – Let’s let Him do His work!!!

verse 9 – He sent deliverance to his people; he ordained his covenant to last forever; his name is holy and awesome. 10 – The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; sound understanding belongs to those who practice it. Praise of God endures forever.

Praise God for this incredible news! Deliverance has been sent! For a being like God who possesses both absolute power and immeasurable love – who would not fear Him?! Let’s receive His wisdom and sound understanding as we practice His love today.

One thought on “Psalms 111 – Praise God!

  1. Thank you for this, Harold.
    So needed right now!
    So grateful for a Pastor like you!
    We are so blessed!
    Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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